Knowledge Base Managing a Crowdstack Activity Points and Gamification

Activity Points and Gamification

Crowdstack has built-in gamification where activity points are rewarded to registered members for engaging on a Crowdstack site. Engagement activities include such things as creating a new post, sharing a post, or commenting. The points formula can only be updated by Crowdstack Administrators. Points can also be rewarded via Automation Rules or as one-off changes via the Manage Members feature.

To update the default activity points go to automation rules on your Crowdstack, on your Crowdstack go to Manage > Settings > Members > Activity Points Formula.

Points can also be rewarded anytime via Automation Rules or as one-off changes via the Manage Members feature.

When activity milestones are reached, Administrators can create automation rules to congratulate members or send them another type of reward. For example, you can use Rybbon to send an electronic gift card.

A Practical Guide to Building a Points Rewards Program is a great resource for defining and using activity points to create a rewards program featuring both Rybbon and Crowdstack.

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